Quezon Auction
An E-commerce website based on Quezon, Province Philippines wherein the sale of goods are bid ny intending buyers against one another for individual items, each of which is sold to the bidder offering the highest price.
Here are some screen shots of this project.
This is the main page of Quezon Auction with all the buttons / controls directing to your account, the auction listing, categories, community, entertainment, contact, terms and policies.
Auction Listing, where all items in auctioned are listed, also contains a list of top 5 popular and most valuable auction.
Item Posting (New Auction) - This is the very main page in posting new items for auction. This section is separated in four tabs to reduce space consumption, namely Bid Auction Details for Title and Description, Photos and Pictures, Settings for Auction Types and lastly the parameters to adjust overall control.
Web-based Ordering and Sales for Lucena-Based Fashion Designers
A community website for all fashion designers around Lucena City. All fashion designers in Lucena City can register to have an account to post their design items. They can also post some articles about their designs and post some videos of their fashion show.
Some screen shots of this thesis project.
This the Home Page of Lucena Fashion Store with all the list of contents about Fashion Trends, Designers, Latest Fashion News, and Style Notes. And some list of blogs post by the administrator and fashion designers.
Design Items Overview. In this page you can view all of design items posted by every fashion designer. You can select either you view the design item or you purchase the item through Paypal.
Post Item. In this page fashion designers post their new design item. The designer must select first the category, then put the price, and then browse the picture of the items to post.
Digital Movies - The thesis projects of BSIT students.
Delete Me
One of the title of STI College approved thesis project.
Screen shots with description of their digital movie.
SID's Journey Beyond Mystery - A 3-Dimensional Adventure Game
For every generation there will come a goddess and choose one person who will have to take the chalenges. the person that will be choosen has to learn about the history world war 2.
Sid's journey beyond mystery "a 3d animated adventure game" is about a kid whose been curse by the goddess, and the only way to break it was to win all his challenges,
1st mission
started in a forest, this is where sid's starting point, he has to gather all the information that he will need , the information was all about the world war 2... but finding the information was not easy some are hidden and some are not..
2nd mission
finding the lost, Sid must find all the thing that the old man told to him. This "old man " is important to find in mission 1.
3rd mission
the beach, here sid's will find the enchanted creature to defeat him and get the item that he will need for the next round.
4th mission
the city, just like in the beach he will have to find the one who's holding the key to the next round but this one will not be that easy. He will have to go to some challenges and defeat him.
5th mission
to the orc village this will be the final stage where sid will have to answer all the question that is given to him, if he fail he will never return to being normal.
The House
A digital movie thesis project of BSIT in STI College.
The House is a story about a family in a farm, the story revolves on the main character named Gino, he's a hard-headed and naughty boy who always like to pull pranks on his babysitter and always disobey his parents. One day, when his parents went to town, he received a mail from his cousin who said that he would visit him one day. Later that day, he went outside to play, but he was stopped to see a piece of paper that happens to be a treasure map. The treasure also happens to be located inside the Old House, which is said to be rumored that ghost lived in there and they capture anyone who went inside. But even though he was warned by his parents, he decided to went inside the house to get the treasure. The software that we are using are Blender 2.47, it is the software we used mainly in 3D modeling and animating, we also use 3Ds Max for other model such as furnitures etc. Adobe Photoshop(any versions will do) mainly for texturing.
I am very much honoured to have mentored these students during their stay here in our institution.
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